When the University of California, Irvine (UCI) suspended face-to-face instruction and quickly switched to distance learning in response to a global pandemic, we increased use of teleconferencing and virtual meeting platforms to deliver course content.
This privacy advisory informs users accessing UCI courses from outside of the United States that local privacy or security laws may affect their account and impact the ways the users interact with Zoom and other UCI teleconferencing solutions. For those accessing services outside the US, UCI has chosen the most secure data routing options available to us through our 3rd party service providers.
Users participating in classes via virtual meeting platforms from outside of the United States may encounter limits in function or access due to these local laws, which may differ from UC or California standards.
If you have concerns or identify limits to accessing your coursework, please talk to your instructor to discuss alternatives.
Tom Andriola
Vice Chancellor for Information, Technology and Data, UC Irvine
Chief Data Officer, UCI Health
Kirsten Quanbeck
ADA Compliance Officer
Associate Chancellor for Equal Opportunity and Compliance
On Friday, June 19, UCI will be releasing a series of enhanced features that may affect your meetings. Please review the below updates and contact oit@uci.edu if you have any questions.
1. Password or Waiting Room requirement on all Zoom Meetings (Scheduled, Instant, and Personal Meeting ID)
On Sunday, July 19, 2020, a new Zoom security feature will require the use of a password or the waiting room for all scheduled, instant, and personal meeting ID meetings. Any meetings without a password or the waiting room enabled will have the waiting room automatically activated for that meeting.
To ensure a smooth transition for Summer Session classes and prevent Zoombombing, the waiting room will be enabled on Friday, June 19, 2020, as an optional setting for all scheduled meetings. When the waiting room is enabled, all authenticated participants with a UCI email address (such as @uci.edu, @law.uci.edu, @exchange.uci.edu, @merage.uci.edu, or @hs.uci.edu, etc.) will bypass waiting rooms to join meetings instantly. Participants with non-UCI.edu email addresses or who have not logged in will remain in the waiting room until invited by the host or co-host to join the meeting.
2. Enhanced Alternative Host options through Zoom in Canvas
During the spring quarter, meetings scheduled in Zoom through UCI Canvas automatically associated Alternative Hosts, using affiliations set in Canvas. Instructors will now be able to add any UCI Zoom user as an Alternative Host.
3. Streamlining account creation through Zoom in Canvas
This update will prevent multiple accounts from being created and streamline access to your UCI Zoom profile from within Canvas.
This update addresses an anomaly wherein a very small number of cases, the Zoom on Canvas account creation process did not match the uci.zoom.us account creation process, resulting in multiple UCI Zoom accounts being created for the same person.
Anyone missing Zoom Meeting data associated with Canvas courses after the update can contact techprep@uci.edu for assistance.
4. One-year storage policy for Zoom Cloud Recordings
To ensure we have enough space for campus-wide use of Zoom Cloud Recordings, a one-year storage policy is being implemented. All recordings on UCI Zoom will need to be downloaded within a year of creation. For longer-term hosting, consider uploading Zoom recordings to YuJa . A notification will be sent out prior to the deletion on UCI Zoom. Departments should determine if their recordings must be retained for a longer period of time as defined by the University of California Retention Schedule located at https://recordsretention.ucop.edu/
There are a variety of cloud storage solutions trying to get your attention — and your data. This guide is to help you choose the right ones that will protect you and the university. There are two cloud storage providers under enterprise contracts with UCI. An enterprise contract obligates a service provider (such as Google and Microsoft) to terms and conditions that result in penalties if those terms and conditions are breached, encouraging the service provider to look out for your data because it is in their self-interest.
Recommended Cloud Storage Solutions
The two services available to you are Google Driveand Microsoft OneDrive when used in conjunction with your UCI identity (UCInetID@uci.edu). If you are storing data in Google Drive or OneDrive that isn’t tied to your UCI identity, your data is not covered by our enterprise contracts.
Not Recommended – Non-Contracted Solutions
Storing files on your personal Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive using your personal identity affords no contractual protection, so if your data is exposed or stolen there is little to no recourse available. Storing your files on other sites that do not have a contract with UCI (Dropbox, Box, etc.) affords no contractual protection either.
How to Choose the Right Cloud Storage Option
Which option, Microsoft OneDrive or Google Drive, is best for you? The answer depends on what level of protection your data needs. The UC system adopted Electronic Information Security Policy 3 (“IS-3” for short) which defines four different levels of data classification and protection. Examples of data and the different protection levels they require (P1, P2, P3, P4) are provided on the UCI Information Security and Privacy website. The UCI Information Security and Privacy website have more cloud guidance available to you as well.
Cloud Data Storage Reference Table
If My Data Is…
The Data Protection Is…
The Level of Risk Is…
Can I Use Google Drive?
Can I use Microsoft OneDrive?
Protected Health Information**
* Secure sharing of data in OneDrive requires the person doing the sharing to have a Microsoft A3 license at a minimum. Additional security features are available with the A5 license. You can find more about sharing data securely with OneDrive with this set of good sharing practices.
** Neither solution is ready to accept Protected Health Information (PHI) as defined by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy and Security Rule. Please contact OIT Security for other options that may be available to you.
How to Get More Information
Please click the buttons below to learn more about these cloud storage options.
The Office of Information Technology (OIT) and Health Information Services are working together to extend secure collaboration between campus and Health Sciences with Microsoft OneDrive. OIT expects to start a feasibility analysis of Google Drive for P3/P4 data this year as a first step in the journey to secure Google G Suite.