Instructional Tools & Alternatives

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Instructors rely on a variety of services. In the event a particular service is unavailable, there are often alternatives to consider either temporarily or as ongoing replacements.

Service TypeRecommended Service(s)Alternatives
Lecture capture (recording)YuJaRecord with Zoom, Record on computer or phone then upload recording to UCI Google Docs, record on computer or phone then upload recording to Microsoft OneDrive (if you have an an account through O365)
Media managementYuJaUpload to UCI Google Drive, upload recording to Microsoft OneDrive (if you have an an account through O365), upload to Canvas (if the file is small)
Live conferencingUCI ZoomYuJa Video Conferencing, Canvas Chat, UCI Google Meet
Distributing class information, documentsUCI CanvasClass mailing lists, post as UCI Google Doc, host on UCI Google Drive
Distributing gradesUCI Canvas for assignment scores, Registrar’s WebGrades for final gradesGradescope for assignments; no approved alternatives for final grades
In-class polling, audience responseUCI Zoom polling, iClicker Cloud with Reef (mobile / web-based student participation)Zeetings(1), Kahoot!(2), Poll Everywhere(3)
Viewing rostersUniversity Registrar WebRoster, Division of Continuing Education (DCE) Rosters (for Access UCI)Canvas Gradebook

(1) No formal campus agreement; use at your own risk.
(2) No formal campus agreement; use at your own risk.
(3) Undergraduate or Paul Merage School of Business only; see