UCI Forward – Return to Campus
Instruction will primarily be delivered through in-person instruction in campus classrooms, although some instructors will offer hybrid, remote, and online options as appropriate and approved.
UCI Forward - Resources for Students
Resources and information, including vaccines, housing, health and safety to help students and families prepare for an in-person fall quarter and 2021-22 academic year.
University Registrar FAQ
Find out details about the classes you are enrolled in and if they will be in person or online.
Remote Learning Resources
UCI Learn Anywhere
Learn Anywhere is a key resource to provide guidance for you as UCI students as you take your classes in a remote environment.
Internet Connectivity Resources
Tips and resources to help you stay connected while you are away from UCI.
Remote Learning Tools for Students Studying Abroad
Students studying while abroad may find access to some services blocked, in which case a virtual private network (VPN) may be required to access them.
Technology Tools & Equipment
Laptop Requirements
As distance learning has become necessary, we have gathered some information on student discounts for laptop computers to help you reach your academic goals and stay connected.
Virtual Computer Lab
Use the Virtual Computer Lab for off-campus access to specialized software.
UCI Zoom
Zoom can be used to attend remote instruction and collaborate with fellow students. UCI has a site license for all faculty, staff and students.
Virtual Private Network (VPN)
Some campus services, including some components of the UCI Libraries’ offerings, are restricted to on-campus access. Use the VPN to access those services through a secure connection.
UCI Google (G Suite)
UCI G Suite is a set of Google applications available to all UCI students. G Suite is also integrated with Canvas and if instructors create student groups, then group members can create group-based workspaces through Canvas Collaborations.
Campus Wifi Coverage
OIT provides wireless connectivity throughout campus with both indoor and outdoor coverage across buildings and key traffic areas.
News & Announcements
Zoom Safety Features that Help Prevent Zoombombing
Backup your documents and desktop folders
Keep Your Zoom Updated
Starting March 22, UCI Zoom apps must be updated to a current version available for each device. This is critical for security and to ensure participants have a consistent experience within UCI Zoom meetings and webinars.