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Access Free Courses on Udemy for Business

The Division of Continuing Education (DCE) and the Office of Information Technology (OIT) have partnered to provide UCI staff and faculty with a year of Udemy for Business, an online learning platform for professionals. The campuswide license includes unlimited access...

Prevent Zoom Bombing

UCI Community, In light of recent Zoombombing incidents, a new resource has been created to help hosts ensure that Zoom meetings, events and classes are configured correctly, preventing disruption from bad actors seeking to post inappropriate images or video, hate...

UCI Digital Accessibility Resources

Dear Colleagues, In this unprecedented time, UCI confronts a variety of digital accessibility issues. Regardless of the challenges, we stay committed to accessibility and equity, both in our work environment and in our educational mission. We have fostered a strong...

COVID-19 Related Phishing and Scams

Dear colleagues: Opportunistic cybercriminals are targeting individuals and organizations with COVID-19 related attacks. These attacks come in the form of malicious “phishing” emails, SMS texts, phone apps, and websites. In many cases, their goal is to get you to...

Working Remotely? Up Your Digital Records Management Game

By Jackie DiOrio. When working remotely, keep in mind that any records created or received on any device belong to the Regents of the University of California, and all UC records on personal devices are subject to eDiscovery and California Public Records Act requests....

Zoombombing Incident Update

Dear Campus Community, UCI again experienced an incident of Zoombombing yesterday during a public lecture event. Zoombombing describes an individual or a group of individuals misusing Zoom features to interrupt a meeting or class, often with criminal, vulgar, or...

Digital Learning Institute, 4/27-6/12

Dear Faculty, We hope this message finds you are safe and healthy. In response to the growing interest in digital learning and teaching with technologies, the Division of Teaching Excellence and Innovation (DTEI), in partnership with the Online Learning Research...

Remote Teaching Resources from the EEE Team

We hope you and your families are well. Please read on for important updates from the EEE team that pertain to remote teaching and educational continuity. Remote Teaching Resources Some of the most common topics we get questions about are: Lecturing...

Important Information About Zoom Security

We have learned that security vulnerabilities exist in Zoom.  Zoom has created a patch which corrects these vulnerabilities and will continue to monitor the security landscape. It is very important that you are running the latest version of Zoom which includes these...