We wanted to remind you of the features and security settings that will help you ensure that Zoom meetings, events and classes are not disrupted by bad actors seeking to post inappropriate images or video, hate speech, harassing commentary, threats and other...
Backup your documents and desktop folders
When was the last time you backed up your laptop? Last week, last month, never? What would you do if you lost all of the data on it? Laptops can be lost, stolen or damaged. While you can replace the hardware, you may never be able to get the data back. For OIT managed...
Keep Your Zoom Updated
Starting March 22, UCI Zoom apps must be updated to a current version available for each device. This is critical for security and to ensure participants have a consistent experience within UCI Zoom meetings and webinars. Continue Reading Keep Your Zoom Updated
Announcing Zoom Live Transcript Feature
Live transcription is now available in both UCI and UCI-HIPAA Zoom. This feature provides the ability for meeting hosts to turn on an automatically generated transcript while a meeting is in progress, for any participants who choose to display it. Early access to this...
Winter 2020 EEE Updates
New EEE+ Home PageVisit the new hub for all things EEE+ related at https://my.eee.uci.edu/home. You'll find links to all of the EEE+ tools, support, and contact information. Check back in the future for updates Dear Instructors, As 2020 comes to a close, the EEE team...
Check Your Physical Device Security
Dear Colleagues, Physical security can be just as important as cybersecurity in protecting your devices against crime and breaches of security. We would like to share a reminder to periodically check your physical computing environment for anything suspicious...
Practice Safe Online Shopping this Holiday Season
The holiday season is an important time to be aware and alert to cybersecurity threats and attacks. Due to COVID-19 many of us are conducting our holiday shopping online this year. The ease and convenience of online shopping provides a perfect opportunity for...
Digital Active Learning Webinars, Fall 2020
The Division of Teaching Excellence and Innovation is offering 8 digital active learning webinars for instructors, covering topics related to educational technology tools. Please register now to attend the live webinars. Each session will be recorded and can be viewed...
Fall Zoom Updates and Information
As the quarter begins, we wanted to remind you of some guidelines and resources related to Zoom that may be helpful for you. If you need assistance navigating the Zoom tool, or would like tips and tricks to use the tool effectively, you can find help and support...